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Welcome, within this website you will be able to find out the different types, methods and purposes of research which is used within the creative media industry. There are many forms of research that can be used within the creative media industries however, each finding and objective will mean a differ in which research type and method is used, by selecting the right research will help within the conclusions found. 


This is research which is surrounded by data and measurements in order to record information this is performed by questionnaires with simple answers,the findings from questionnaires and surveys are then put in data form such as, line graphs, pie charts and bar graphs, this is the visual mathematic view of the results.


This type of research is about peoples views and options about something and also motivations. This research will help when making decisions and when developing ideas, this will help as you find out different and a variety of answers which are in depth.

Market Research:

Market research is research which is gathered in order to supply answers in order for an outcome and a conclusion. The answers will be there to provide the consumers needs and preferences. For example, business will carry this out in order to find out what customers want for their products, this will help to determine what the business needs to do for their on going customers in order gain success.

Production Research:

This is research which is related to the production process which is being carried out, this will be used to find out exact information about a specific topic or product within the media field. This is the research for the concepts of one product, for example a video games, the front cover, the music, the colour and the content of the game.

Audience Research:

This is research which is carried out by relevant groups of the audience in order to ask and gather information to those who the topic matters. This could be people with the same attitudes, behaviours and also their interests. This could be surveys and interviews.

Primary Research:

Primary research is research which is collected as new information, which has not been found before. The purpose of carrying out this information is to answer questions and issues. The research will be resulted with an answer. Examples of primary research are interviews, surveys, questionnaires, test markets, postal surveys and the user groups for products.

Secondary Research:

Secondary research, is also known as desk research, this is the collection  of information from previous sources and research which is existing, rather than primary where it is new, types of secondary research can be found on the internet, from books, history, phone calls, letters, files and previous experiments which were previously performed to gather an answer and a conclusion. The internal resources include, letters, phone calls, customers and files. External sources are trade associations, internet, government publications and newspapers.

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