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An album magazine advert is an advertisement which represents and advertises a certain music album, when researching into the information needed and wanted for this kind of advert is essential as without the research the magazine would be a failure in sales and how its noticed. Below are examples of magazine adverts for music albums for the artist Rihanna. They adverts are appealing to the eye which includes the main information which is included in the advert, the information includes, the date of the album release, the albums name, a song name and also the artists name. 

The first form of research which should be used in this process and case it, the secondary research, the reason for this suggestion and point is that secondary research is research which already exists, therefore when researching into the advertisements for albums in magazine, this would be a beneficial method of research. The research source which is best for this would be to research into the existing magazine album adverts in order to view what they look like, the information included and also which type of magazine they are in. For this type of research the internet would best suite this form of gathering of information, the information could be gathered from magazines which are found online for the analysing to begin to see what the advert consist of. The PURPOSE of this type of research would be to find the existing information for the same type of task, by seeing existing magazine adverts for the album will help to determine what the advert needs to become successful. By viewing existing sources, the creative media industries will know where their advert belongs, for example if this advert were for the female artist Rihanna, the advert would best be successful and seen within a female kind of magazine such as 'Heat, OK and Closer', by putting the advert in the right magazine will promote the album to the right target market. The internet will show the history of the previous adverts, this can give an indication of the success.












Press Play for the PRO'S & CON'S for this Form of Research: 













Market research is something which also should be included as a method when carrying out the research for the advert for the album. Market research is something which will offer the views and preferences of the public which will read the magazines, the market research can also be found within particular market research industries to find out the relevant information for a magazine purpose, this is something which should be used for this. The market research industries, are organisations which carry out and provide the relevent information for a business. The market research company used in this case is the 'National Readership Survey (NRS)', this is non-profitable organisation, which focuses their research on the who reads what publication, this will include both magazine and newspapers, the market research will be shown in a table and will represent what sort of people read each one, they are divided due to their social class statues, gender, and their age. The PURPOSE of this form of research is that the information from the readership organisations will determine the relevent needs of the magazine album adverts, the information such as where the advert will be placed, which magazine this should be in and the presentation of the particular advert. This includes the relevent feedback from reader of the magazines. 

This is an example of a 'National Readership Survey', which has been completed in order to show the readership status and data recorded in a given amount of time. This will be used for the magazine advert in order to find the right magazine for the advert for Rihanna the best magazine would be 'OK' when looking at this particular readership survey due to the 3.9 status for an expectable magazine for it to be located as 'OK' attract female readers. 

Press Play for the PRO'S & CON'S for this Form of Research: 

The Chosen Formats of Research Used for the Production ofAlbum Magazine Adverts...

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